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This version was saved 14 years, 10 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Alex Reid
on December 9, 2009 at 11:34:17 pm

Welcome to the digital age wiki


This wiki investigaties questions of writing, education, and technology. You will find pages created and developed by students in a variety of courses over the past two years.


New Students


You will find a variety of material produced by former students on this site. Much of that material is relevant to the work we are doing, so you should feel free to use it as a resource. I hope your work will similarly serve as a resource for future students.


In the sidebar, you will find a list of folders. You should look for the folder with the title of your course to find specific course information I have put up here (e.g. syllabus, assignments, schedule, etc.)


Active Courses: Fall 2009


ENG 380: New Media

380 Final Projects







This website is administered by Alex Reid, associate professor of English at the State University of New York at Buffalo, and welcomes any participants interested in the project.  Please contact me if you are interested.



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